It's such a freeing feeling to be able to write about whatever I feel and what I'm thinking. I started a blog a couple weeks ago (Pseudo Confessions of a Diabetic), but found that it was not quite working out for me since I had shared with some friends and family. If you happen to jump over to that old...but very real blog, please be discrete about the existence of this even more truthful blog! Thank you all in advance for this support. I know in this new blog- I will be of more help to all of you as readers in my honesty and intentions for my life and whatever else I write here.
My journey into blogging began as my hubby and I started discussing the possibility of starting a family. As a 25 year old Type 1 Diabetic, I have a lot of questions and an impossible amount of concerns as we start this venture. At any rate, I decided I wanted to read a book but found virtually zero books relating to Type 1 Diabetes and pregnancy. There was a small book published by ADA (American Diabetes Association) in I belive 2000- so I reserved it at the library. I also began searching the internet and came across Cheryl Alkon and her blog Managing the Sweetness Within. Through wonderful conversation and support- I also ordered Cheryl's book Balancing Pregnancy with Pre-Existing Diabetes: Healthy Mom, Healthy Baby.
The book from the libary came in...I rushed to pick it in one sitting- COMPLETE disappointment. It was extremely outdated- so I anxiously awaited the Cheryl Alkon book to arrive in the mail :) It's here...and I'm reading it and loving it! Finally- a wonderful starting point for so many questions...and I feel that I'm really getting some good answers!
Hi, what an honor to leave your blog's first comment :)
ReplyDeleteLOL I have that book you mention. In fact I'm trying to sell it online at the moment. It was pretty hopeless huh? I felt like it was a lesson in egg sucking. BUT if you're very newly diagnosed and didn't have the internet (or had a shocker of a doctor) then it wouldn't be a terrible starting point.
I'm looking forward to following your journey. It IS an exciting one. And I know that everyone loves their kid(s) and they're all special, but T1s certainly put in their share of hard work and commitment to get the lovely bundle on 'the other side'. And wow, it is oh so worth it :)