Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Time to relax

I actually said the word....relax! Try'll feel better..say.....RELAX!

That is what I'm doing for the next month. After traveling again this past weekend, we have no further travel plans. If anyone wants to see us...they have to come to us. That's a reasonable request I think...especially after I've seriously traveled at least 2 hours for the past 8 weekends! It's time for a break...and I'm loving it!

I've been extremely overwhelmed by the support I've received from my friends and family. My little cousin and I are walking together in the JDRF walk in a couple weeks. I'm super excited and I think it's mainly because I'm doing it for him. He is going to come and walk with us and my mom and dad as well as Hubby's mom and dad are going to come walk with us as well. I didn't even asked, they just said they would be there. I've managed to raise over $700 in approximately a week by simply sending out a personal email to friends and family. It's amazing the emails and the immediate support I've's probably because of my cousin's cute little face on the front of the page in the email...but it's nice to see such an active response.

It's made me want to get a job in fundraising for a cause I care about. Remember how I said that I was going to stop looking for a job for at least a year....well....I lied.....the hunt began again....I can't help but dream that something good will happen!

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